Sunday, December 1, 2013

Rain? (and bread!!)

My dad, brothers and I spent the morning working outside.  We sorted off some calves and a cow from the main herd as they need special attention.  Then, my dad cleaned out the goat-pen with the tractor.  Yay---machines can save people so much time and aching muscles!

While eating the noon meal, it began to RAIN!  Hmmmmm.  Thankfully, it didn't keep raining for very long.  My dad said there's talk of snow in the near future.

The guys worked outside the rest of the day, but I stayed inside then and made yogurt and my first batch of "Bread for life" (    bread that I finally had enough starter to spare to make bread with!!!   It turned out really well and isn't nearly as tart as the other sourdough breads I've made.   I think this is the start of something wonderful!

My mom went to Eureka, SD to spend the whole day with her dad as it was his birthday.  She came home really sad, as Grandpa wasn't very gracious.  They could both use some prayer!  Mom played hymns for the nursing home residents in the afternoon, so that was the good part of the day, from what I hear.

Have a great December everybody!

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~Cora B.