Saturday, August 1, 2015

A restful day...

What a peaceful day it was...

Slept in.  Ate breakfast. Did my chicken, turkey, and dog chores. Read and answered questions in my copy of our marriage counseling book. Ate lunch with my family (except for Andrew who had gone to Bismarck to meet up with a friend who wanted to borrow his high quality camera to tape the Lake Itasca Music Festival this weekend). Had our hymn singing time and listened to a long sermon. Then did not a whole lot after that, besides enjoying the air conditioned house. This evening I did work on packing some of my parents many hundreds of books to move over to their house, then put several of my own on the shelves. :)

And now, I will wish you a happy August and pray that God will guide you in the way you are to go this month. There are several little black bugs crawling on my screen, so I think it's time to put this away for the night. Ewwww 

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May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.