Saturday, April 25, 2015


It is Spring and time to start planning for Appleseeds once again!!! :)

My brother, Andrew, (the North Dakota state coordinator for Project Appleseed events) has scheduled 2 Appleseeds at our farm this year and is pondering getting one set up in Jamestown again in July, if there is enough interest in that. 

Please visit the Project Appleseed website ( to learn much more about this great event (if you haven't attended one before) and/or contact me with questions that I'll try my best to answer. I've never heard yet that anyone has regretted attending an Appleseed shoot, and the usual comment is that they can hardly wait for the next one! :) In the evenings, we have a potluck meal up at the shop and then comes visiting and volleyball or other games. Come join in the learning and fun! 

Click here to register so as to reserve your spot. Last year, the Father's Day Appleseed almost filled the line up completely (there were just 2 spots left), so you may wish to make your reservation right away if you know you can come! Hope to see some of you here!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy! Appleseed's at the Bornemann farm again!!!!! So glad to know that ya'll have set some dates! :) Ya'll are just full of announcements, changes and exciting things! I do know though that I won't be able to make it to the June Appleseed at your place. :( Hope you get lots of people coming! Father's Day was such a special time for me last year! :)


It makes my day when I hear from you, so, please leave a note! Do you have any suggestions/tips/advice/questions on what I've written? Please let me know.
May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.