Saturday, April 18, 2015

Springtime busyness...

 The last 2 days were great working-outside kind of days. But, before I share about what got accomplished, I'll share a couple pictures from when I was babysitting on Wednesday.

Can you guess what had baby Vonn so interested? He just sat there for several minutes and stared at....

...Tracy Jo, licking off the spoon after we made cookies. :) Very fascinating, I assure you.

 My dad and Andrew spent Thursday and Friday cleaning more grain. They think the end is in sight, although people keep calling... 

I spent Thursday morning getting the greenhouse ready for planting: raking, adding peat moss, and tilling it up (after Jacob got the tiller started for me)...
 Mom and I planted our tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower seeds. They grow really fast in the greenhouse, so hopefully we timed it correctly so as to be able to plant good-sized plants into the garden come the middle of May.  We also started some peas, lettuce, cucumbers and zucchini in there to see how they do.
 Later that afternoon, Jacob and I went out to dig/pick up rocks. Jacob used the backhoe attachment on the tractor for a while, and then I picked up the very large rocks (with the tractor, not by hand ;) ) and hauled them to the pile. We're making very slow, but steady progress.
 My mom and I also talked over what kinds of chickens and turkeys we'd like to have this year, and I placed our order with the Cackle Hatchery out of Missouri. The chicks will come in May and the turkeys aren't hatching until June, the lady said, so that gives us some time to get ready for the little cheepers.

Everyone was home around suppertime on Thursday, so we had the evening to talk about important decisions and interesting things, which hasn't happened in a very long time.

Yesterday, I spent some time transplanting some golden raspberries out of a pathway into a place where I want them to be and also went across the road and dug out the tulips that will be in the way of the new house and planted them in the garden here, spreading them out so they filled 2 rows.

 Speaking of the new house, Dad called home yesterday to say that he heard when it is to be delivered!!  June 9th is the day they're shooting for!!! :)  He also learned about what we need to do to get the location ready for it. I'm so excited for my parents to be getting their first brand new home. I hope they'll enjoy it for years to come! Here is a link to a youtube video that shows some pictures of the home they are buying:

Ummmm, ok, I didn't realize the link would be that long? You might need to click on another page from there to take you to the video of the "Watson" model.

My mom went up near Steele to get milk yesterday morning. It will be nice when Sally freshens again, although the break from milking is nice too at this busy time of the year.

After cleaning most of the house (Mom was feeling poorly again), I went outside to help Jacob with filling 2 totes of wheat screenings for our friends, the G. family. We trade them grain for meat-chickens (frozen chickens). 
 After that was done, Jacob and I filled up the Quonset again. The guys had unpacked it as they needed the combine and the sprayer out, but there's a chance of rain this weekend, so we needed to get the trucks (with grain on) and a small grain cleaner and the combine (with corn in it) back inside, which took a while. Jacob is an excellent driver/backer already!! I was quite impressed. Oh, I didn't tell you about the combining yet! Jacob finished last year's harvest yesterday. :) We had just a few acres of non-GMO field corn to harvest, but it was too wet last Fall and we didn't have a place to store it on air, so it just stayed in the field, until yesterday. Some of that will go to the G. family for their chickens too.

Unhooking the header: (see Jacob?)

When I'm home, I help Jacob feed the cows. He feeds the silage and I feed them oats hay. He's more popular than I am, by far!  The cows will walk right by me to follow him.

My mom had supper ready when we got in at 8:00. Dad and Andrew got home close to 10:00 and had their supper then. And after family prayer-time, we talked some more... There are so many big decisions needing to be made right now. It's definitely a year of big changes! We have a lot to pray about, that's for sure.

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~Cora B.