Thursday, March 26, 2015


 My dad and Andrew were gone all day grain cleaning, and my mom went to Bismarck for the afternoon/evening, so Jacob and I had the farm to ourselves. After spending the morning in the kitchen baking (I did, not Jacob), we went outside to pull out the posts from the fence we're taking down. A few of the posts had broke off, so Jacob had to dig down a ways around the stubby post so I could get the chain wrapped around it and so Jacob could pull it out with the tractor. We saw a coyote out there, but by the time we had rifles, the coyote was gone.
 After all the posts were out and stacked away, we got our .22s out to shoot some gophers that we saw!!
 I got 3 and Jacob got 4.
 We only had 5 to show for it though, as 2 went back down their holes after jumping and kicking about....
The kitties are happy!

I love Spring!!!!!  It's my favorite season!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cora! Ooo, that looks like some fun with the shooting gophers!!!! :D didn't know that ya'll had so much issues with them? Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I LOVE Spring too! And yes, its almost my favorite season! ;) Summer is the BEST though! :)


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May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.