Monday, March 30, 2015

Rocks, again.

That was a good days work!
 Jacob and I spent the morning picking rocks, then after lunch, my mom came out and helped too for a while for several hours. Of course, driving the tractor was the most desirable job!
 After Jacob and I fed the cows their supper, we went out for about half an hour to see if we could find some gophers, and we did. :)
 We got 7 again, between the 2 of us.
We'll probably be out there again all day tomorrow (picking rocks),
 so there still is time for any of you to join us. ;)


  1. If only there was an easy way to ship field rocks down to the cities to sell for landscaping ;)

  2. Right!!! We'd love to "Share"! :)

  3. You must "grow" these rocks like crazy! Too bad you couldn't grow something else that fast! :P

  4. Gophers and rocks, gophers and rocks! =)

  5. We only shot one gopher today, Emmy. :) Gotta leave a few for seed, you know.


It makes my day when I hear from you, so, please leave a note! Do you have any suggestions/tips/advice/questions on what I've written? Please let me know.
May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.