Monday, January 27, 2014

I spy with my little eye...

Two cutie pies, ready for a nap! (Actually, they don't sleep together, as they keep each other awake, but were playing together when I got this picture right before naptime.)
Yes, I was babysitting today.  We baked cookies; played that we were camping under a blanket-tent; told stories; solved arguments; made about all the animal sounds we could think of and worked on ABCs and counting and singing....oh yes, and playing cowgirl. 
It was a busy afternoon!
Here at home, my dad's been working on paperwork for taxes.  My mom's working on our annual newsletter (very much belated, but better late than never, as they say).  My brothers, well, I'm not sure what they worked on actually?  Jacob probably had the usual schoolwork and Andrew probably did some figuring for the future.
I like the quote on my flip-calendar today, so thought I'd share it with you all in closing:
"Be on the lookout for mercies.  The more we look for them, the more of them we will see.  Blessings brighten when we count them." 
~Maltbie D. Babcock

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May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.