Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pectin, jelly, frozen yogurt, and nectarine bread...

That's what I made yesterday.  :)   I made some chokecherry syrup too and canned it.  The jelly was zucchini/hot-pepper.  Today, I made some crackers to go with the pepper jelly, then made a chicken and my mom dug some potatoes from the garden to go with the supper.  Jacob (and Lauretta, for a bit) helped us make applesauce and juice too.  Why am I talking so much about food?  Well, while on the Master Cleanse, I realise how much we take eating tasty food for granted normally.  :)    Plus, that's almost all that the past 2 days have revolved around, as it is harvest time!

Today, my dad hauled grain all day again.  Andrew went south a few miles to help a farmer with his harvest.  I guess he gets to drive a nice combine, so hopefully the air-conditioning works in it!  It was HOT out today.   It's been a real challenge to keep things from frying in the garden.

Lauretta came over for a while to return some things we had loaned her and then she stayed a couple hours to visit.  We had lots of fun when my mom "Did" both Lauretta's and my "Coloring" to see which seasons we are.  My mom used to do this as part of her Shaklee business actually, so she has several different colored fabric drapes to wrap around you to see which color sets look best against your skin.  It was quite amazing to see the difference that the color of your shirt can make on how your face looks!   I'd thought I was Spring from what I'd read, but the colors that looked best on me were Summer (that's what my mom is too).  I still like the Spring season the best though!

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May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.