Wednesday, January 14, 2015


There's just nothin' like it!
I spent most of yesterday and today babysitting Zach & Paula's "Littles". :)
Meanwhile, back on the farm:
My dad hauled grain over to Cleveland for a neighbor.
My mom kept the house running. Where it ran to, I'm not sure?
Andrew left yesterday to visit the Bartletts in the Turtle Mountains of ND, but he has returned to us again just now. He went to get a truck that they need repaired, and to visit!
Jacob had the job of getting the tractor tire fixed before evening chores. I guess it met up with a nail somewhere?

1 comment:

  1. Baby Vonn is sooooo cute, you are blessed to babysit such cuties, Cora! ;)
    Nice to hear what ya'll are up to lately! :) Blessings, Emmy


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May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.