Friday, June 14, 2013

Let the weddings begin!

This will be a fun weekend!  I'm going to a former-coworker's wedding tomorrow (she's the one I made the cupcakes and cake for) and then to a home schooling friend's wedding on Sunday.  :) 

We had another friend come out to our farm today for several gallons of Kangen water.  She feels SO much better on it now that she didn't want to wait 3 or 4 more days to get some more water and made the 60 mile journey to our farm to pick it up.  The boys were also able to fix a problem on her car, so that was nice.

Our menfolk have been very busy in their shop, getting everything moved around so Andrew can put his car-lift up permanently.  It looks REALLY nice in there now!  I'll try to get a picture of it soon.
If anyone wants to see how to make an easy camo-cake for all of your hunting friends, I saw this page today and thought I'd share it here:  I may try it someday...

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May God bless you richly as you walk in the paths He has for you today,
~Cora B.