Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bye bye corn...

The guys loaded up the 2 trucks that came today to haul our organic corn to MN.  The hard, faith-building part of selling organic crops is that it seems you end up waiting at least 30 days after they have your grain to get paid.  So, we wait (and pray that the check comes)!

I went over and babysat the 3 neighbor children that live just a mile away.  This morning, we played inside, but after nap-time this afternoon, we played outside for a couple of hours.  It was just lovely out!  I pulled the 3 kiddos in their sled for a while and pushed them on their swingset.  Then, I made mazes in the snow for them to follow.  :)

My mom got some writing done today that she'd been wanting to do.  She also made reservations at a hotel in Grand Forks for when we go to the home-school convention in March (Lord willing, and all). 

The boys worked in the shop.  Andrew finished with the neighbors' pickup and drove it over to them.  :)  Jacob worked on his snowmobile some more....

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~Cora B.